Air-ground cooperative swarm attack and defense platform


Duration: Jun. 2019 - Dec. 2019

Keywords: Multi-UGV systems, Multi-UAV systems, Cooperative control, Offensive and defensive confrontation, Gazebo


Distributed cooperative control for multi-agent systems (MASs) has attracted extensive research attention from both control and robotics communities during the last decade. This is because of its broad range of applications in areas, such as service robots, exploration of hazardous environments, military surveillance, and spacecraft formation flying. In contrast to deploying individual agents to fulfill various tasks, coordinating a group of autonomous agents to accomplish a common goal offers several benefits, such as scalability, flexibility, adaptivity, and low cost of operation.

Project content

Multi-UAV and multi-UGV systems are typical air and ground multi-agent systems. The objective of this project is to develop a multi-UAV/UGV swarm attack and defense platform. The offensive and defensive sides have their own positions on the generated map. Each team will design intelligent cooperative swarm algorithms to control their UAVs and UGVs. More specifically, the players will employ a certain number of UAVs and UGVs to search, identify and destroy opponent's targets. At the same time, they need to intercept the opponent's UAVs and UGVs to protect their command post. The Matlab/Python control interface will be designed and opened to players to control the UAVs and UGVs.

My work

  1. Design of UAV/UGV air-ground cooperative countermeasure demonstration algorithms.
  2. Construction of a virtual coordinated combat scenario based on Gazebo simulator.
  3. Development and redaction of Matlab/Python control API demos.


The demo of the air-ground cooperative countermeasure platform 👇