Automatic sample injection and result recognition device


Duration: Nov. 2018 - Mai. 2019

Company: Suzhou Weimu Intelligent System Co., Ltd. logo-SuzhouWeimu.png

Advisor: Liang HAN


Suzhou Weimu is a company that develops explosive trace detection equipment. Faced with the increasing demand for explosives detection, traditional manual detection can no longer meet the needs of customers. At the same time, traditional manual detection has the risk of easily introducing pollution and artificial errors. Therefore, the company wants to design an automated system for sampling, testing and result identification.


Technical schema

  1. Vacuum suction table is used to draw the test paper. The utilization of the vacuum suction table can effectively prevent the test paper from being contaminated by other liquids.

  2. Raspberry Pi is the control center including the servo control program and the subsequent program for identifying the detection results. The control commands are sent through the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi.

  3. The slide rail is employed to transport the test paper, and it will be replaced by a conveyor belt. The other small connectors are designed with Catia V5 and manufactured by 3D printer.


The video below shows the demo of the automatic sample injection and image recognition device that was finally delivered to the company. 😆

Poster (in French)
